Lara Viking

‘Lara Viking’ is a primary hybrid of P. gibbosum x P. echinatum and is hybridised by Cliff Blackman, Australia, 1983.
The flowers are dark pink at first, but fade to light pink with age. Small purple markings, especially on upper petals. Stem-succulent

Lara Viking

Lara VikingLara Viking
Lara VikingLara Viking
Lara VikingLara Viking<


‘Glauciifolium’ is a primary hybrid raised by R.H. Jenkins, before 1822. It is a cross between P. gibbosum and P. lobatum.
I think this is one of the best nightscented pelargoniums, strong and more almond flavour than P. gibbosum.


Sidolicious Maroon

P. sidoides x Deerwood Lavender Lad.
Pollination in 2010 and seedling raised in 2011 by Edgar.
Sidolicious Maroon

This hybrid has inherited some of the scent from P. sidoides’ flower, and some of the scent from Deerwood Lavender Lad’s leaves.

From the pollination I got two plants, and they are slightly different in colour and shape of the petals. Sidolicious Maroon left and Sidolicious Purple right:
Sidolicious Maroon + Purple
Photo © Edgar

Sidolicious Purple

P. sidoides x Deerwood Lavender Lad.
Pollination in 2010 and seedling raised in 2011 by Edgar.
Sidolicious Burgundy
Sidolicious Purple


This hybrid has inherited some of the scent from P. sidoides’ flower, and some of the scent from Deerwood Lavender Lad’s leaves. (None of the scents as strong as they appear on the parentage).

From the pollination I got two plants, and they are slightly different in colour and shape of the petals. Sidolicious Maroon left and Sidolicious Purple right:
Sidolicious Maroon + Purple
Photo © Edgar