Lier Peppermint

Hybrid of P. tomentosum x (P. ovale x P. tricolor), by Edgar, 2023.
Mint scented leaves. Light mauve flowers.

Lier Peppermint with the leaves of P. tomentosum above.
Photo below the flowers of P. tomentosum on the left, and the flowers of Lier Peppermint on the right.
(Lier is the place I live in Norway)

Some favourites

P. anethifolium x P. fulgidum

Hybridizer; Mike Brown, Australia.


‘Ardens’ is an old cultivar, a cross between P. fulgidum and P. lobatum, introduced in 1817. It was hybridized by Lee, Hammersmith UK, 1810.


Another old hybrid of P. lobatum from ca. 1827.


The third old hybrid that is believed to have P. fulgidum and P. lobatum as parents – before 1869.


My own grown variety from 2011 – a seedling of P. gibbosum ‘Maroon’.


My own hybrid from 2016 – ‘Flora Midnight’ x ‘Lara Oracle’.

P. ovale x P. tricolor

A hybrid that originates from seeds from South Africa, around 2006.

Lara Zonartic

Lara Zonartic
Lara Zonartic

This plant probably originates from a group of seed Cliff Blackman sent to the Geraniaceae Group in 1988.
One of them, Lara Zonartic 87364 was hybridised by Cliff Blackman in March 1987.

Lara Zonartic

Lara Viking

‘Lara Viking’ is a primary hybrid of P. gibbosum x P. echinatum and is hybridised by Cliff Blackman, Australia, 1983.
The flowers are dark pink at first, but fade to light pink with age. Small purple markings, especially on upper petals. Stem-succulent

Lara Viking

Lara VikingLara Viking
Lara VikingLara Viking
Lara VikingLara Viking<


A seedling of P. lobatum from R.H. Jenkins collection. It has been suggested it is hybrid P. lobatum x P. fulgidum, or more probably P. lobatum x ‘Ardens’.
From ca. 1827. Described by Robert Sweet in 1930.
Nightscented flowers, but the scent is not that strong.
