Nightscented cultivar (Lara Vulkan x Lara Viking) Cliff Blackman, Australia, 1984.
P. caffrum
Section Polyactium
Unicorn Zonartic Frills
Cliff Blackman, Australia. Release Wexthuset, Sweden.
Pink Quink
A hybrid of P. quinquelobatum and ‘Clarissa’ – a zonal miniatyr.
Faye Brawner.
P. abrotanifolium
Section Reniformia
Scented grey-green leaves.
These are the two varieties I have grown.
Deerwood Lavender Lass
Probably P. ionidiflorum x P. australe. Faye Brawner, US.
Variegated P. ovale x P. tricolor
Also known as ‘Dreamland’.
Origin unknown. The flowers and the growth are very similar to ‘Splendide’.
P. fulgidum ‘Coral Pink’
Section Ligularia.
A colour variety of P. fulgidum. Comes true from seed.
P. lobatum
Section Polyactium
This plant I got some years ago, and it finally flowered this summer.
Must say I had hoped for a darker variety of P. lobatum ;-)
Lara Camelot
‘Lara Camelot’ is a hybrid of ‘Lara Vulcan’ x ‘Lara Viking’, by Cliff Blackman, Australia, 1984.
Nightscented flowers.